With its twenty years of experience, Secursys offers electronic protection solutions aimed to privates and installers, offering forefront products selected to maintain a high level of quality and reliability.
Italian brands are favored in support of an excellent technical sector with products of remarkable technological quality and aesthetic design impact.
We assist the customer both during the installation choices of the products and during the whole post-sale period, also offering (on intrusion / fire alarm systems and on designed video surveillance systems) a remote assistance service. This, in addition to some economic benefits, allows you to always have a working system, guaranteeing in case of need a timely intervention to avoid deficiencies in the service.

In addition, home automation and sound diffusion solutions are proposed to make your homes more comfortable, welcoming, dynamic and aimed to energy saving.
Finally, for all commercial or healthcare activities that require it, we have technological systems for access control, possibly linked to computer systems and anti-escape systems.
We therefore cover all electronic protection systems at 360 degrees, providing quality and competence.
Discover all of our products in our headquarters in Via Meridiana 12 in Sanremo (IM), touching the proposed technology first hand.